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Switch to Doodo search and take back your privacy!

No tracking, no ad targeting, just searching. We don't collect or share personal information.

At Doodo, we think the Internet should make us feel safe to navigate and getting the privacy you deserve online should be as simple as locking your door.

We’re here to help you gain trust in online browsing, showing people how to take control of their information.

You deserve privacy online. And now with Doodo’s help, you have that.

Our services are designed not only to make the lives of Indians easy but also to make them productive in their trade of choice by offering cutting-edge services that assist them in running their businesses and achieving unimaginable milestones with short periods.

Doodoly is an online freelance marketplace that provides you with an opportunity to turn knowledge, talent, skill or a hobby into a permanent or temporal source of income. It provides security, privacy, convenience and timely payments, so you can keep doing what you love the most.

It’s a virtual job marketplace where people & companies can work together . Young talent can find work opportunities throughout the world. Full secrecy is ensured.

Companies can hire individuals virtually hence saving insurance, bills etc. while individuals can find jobs while sitting comfortably at home.

Doodo Junior is aimed at helping you with your young ones. Sites appearing in doodoo junior search results satisfy family friendly requirements, as we filter sites with explicit or deceptive content.

Most search results are illustrated with big thumbnails, which makes it easier to scan the results, differentiate between them, and click the most appropriate results to your query. Thumbnails serve as visual clues and are especially beneficial to kids as they don't read as fast as adults.