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Matteo Renzi

Matteo Renzi

Matteo Renzi (born January 11, 1975) is an Italian politician who served as the prime minister of Italy from 2014 to 2016. He has been a senator for Florence since 20181. Renzi has played several key roles in Italian politics:
Mayor of Florence: From 2009 to 2014, he held the position of Mayor of Florence1.
Secretary of the Democratic Party (PD): Renzi was elected as the secretary of the PD in 2013, becoming Prime Minister the following year. At the age of 39, he became the youngest leader in the G7 and the first-serving mayor to become Prime Minister.
Leader of Italia Viva (IV): Since 2019, Renzi has been leading the political party Italia Viva

Matteo Renzi @ Matteo_Renzi

Matteo Renzi is an Italian politician who served as prime minister of Italy from 2014 to 2016. He has been a senator for Florence since 2018. Renzi has served as the leader of Italia Viva (IV) since 2..


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